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  • Tags: African Association of New Brunswick

Permission slip for Samuel Lane to join the African Association

Kirkpatrick, Andrew

Slaveholder Andrew Kirkpatrick (1756-1831) gives permission to Sam, an enslaved man, to join the African Association of New Brunswick on January 15, 1817.

[The man Sam mentioned here is Samuel Lane, who was manumitted by Andrew Kirkpatrick in…

Permission slip for Harry to join the African Association

Staats, Abraham

Slaveholder Abraham Staats (1743-1821) gives permission to Harry, an enslaved man, to join the African Association of New Brunswick on January 9, 1819. [Harry is listed as a member in the African Association of New Brunswick Minute Book under the…

Permission slip for Cato to join the African Association

Beach, Abraham

Reverend Abraham Beach (1740-1828) gives permission to Cato to join the African Association of New Brunswick on March 1, 1817.

Permission slip for Phillis to join the African Association

Neilson, John

Slaveholder John Neilson (1745-1833) gives permission to Phillis, an enslaved woman, to join the African Association on January 1, 1820.

Permission slip for Mark Harris to join the African Association

Neilson, James

Slaveholder James Neilson (1784-1862) gives permission to Mark Harris, an enslaved man, to join the African Association on January 21, 1817. [Mark was first sold to James Neilson on October 15, 1816. Mark was married to Ambo, a woman who was enslaved…